Teaching Situations

Teaching Situations at isaMasterclass and isaDigital

  • Teaching Situation 1
    Professor and student are both on-site at isa in a digitised teaching space; active and passive isaDigital participants can follow virtually via ZOOM.
  • Teaching Situation 2
    Professor is on-site at isa in a digitised teaching space and active isaDigital participant is at home in front of his_her screen (note the technical requirements for active isaDigital participants).
  • Teaching Situation 3
    Professor is at his_her home or home university and participant is on-site at isa in a digitised teaching space.
    e.g. Professors Berman, Bertrand, Beyerle
  • Teaching Situation 4
    Neither the professor nor the student is on-site. Scheduling of online instruction will be taken care of by isa.
    e.g. Professors Ashkenasi, Shaham
  • Teaching Situation 5 (Workshop)
    Workshop takes place on-site at isa in a digitised teaching space; active and passive isaDigital participants can take part virtually via ZOOM.
    e.g. “Talking to an Audience” (Ulla Pilz)
  • Teaching Situation 6 (Workshop)
    Workshop takes place on-site at isa in a digitised teaching space and active isaDigital participant can take part actively.
    e.g. “Orchestra Audition Preparation Workshop for Strings” (Eugenia Grauer)
  • Teaching Situation 7 (Workshop)
    Professor is at his_her home or home university; isa participants and isaDigital participants can take part via ZOOM (with participants on-site at isa using their own devices, in their hotel rooms, etc.)
    e.g. “Yoga for Musicians” (Marie Helle)
