Sounds from the source of life

A Community and music education project on the occastion of 150 years I. Vienna Mountain Spring Pipeline
22.–26.8.2023 · Reichenau an der Rax

26.08.2023 – 16.30 Uhr, Kurpavillon Reichenau

The isaCommunity and music education project “Water – Sound from the source of life” as part of isa23 searches for the sounds of water and their compositional “realizations” in the various styles and epochs of music history.

The focus is on exploratory listening: isa students will present corresponding musical examples live and will search for possible sound models in nature together with the workshop participants. At the final presentation, the audience is invited to participate in the creative explorations of the participants.

isaCommunity is musically guided and executed by students and teachers of the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna as part of the isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw.

A project in cooperation with the Ferienbetreuung Reichenau (director Ulli Junker), the Hans Lanner Regional Music School Association (director Werner Groß) and other partners.
